Welcome to the Sacred Hive of Creation, Dear One!

I am so delighted to play in the field of divine perfection with you so that you may come alive and thrive on this glorious and beautiful place we lovingly refer to as The Land of the People.

In divine perfection, you will experience:

  • What ecstatic wealth feels like so that you may instantly draw more financial abundance to you & thrive in the bounty of your overflowing honeypot of liquid gold

  • What it truly feels like to be held in the sacred feminine so that you may feel safe and supported in spreading your sacred elixir on this earth plane, especially through the sacred temple of your business

  • What your sacred calling is and how it wishes to be expressed in the world so that the people may be blessed by your presence

  • What it truly feels like to be held in infinite love so that you may receive more of what you desire instantly

  • What it truly feels like to be in full ease, grace and glory with your beloved temple - your body - as you move through the planet only seeing beauty, love, and miracles

Everything is possible in this space because in divine perfection there is only ecstasy, love, truth, beauty, grace and wonder.

This is the space that creates ecstatic wealth, health, and full remembrance.

This is the space that restores relationships and creates sacred union.

This is the space of BEEing, where no effort is required.

And since the Sacred Bee, Mother Malia: The Great Mother of Creation, is the timekeeper, you will master the art of expanding time.

And in this expansion of time, you will reawaken your capacity to receive endless bounty and thrive in both financial overflow and in your original coding.

That is the work that I bring through: restoring you and The Land of the People back to their original templates so that divine perfection is always present, always creating for you, always blessing you and others, and isn’t that wonderful?!

Once you enter this Sacred Hive, together we will enjoy:

  • Weekly pre-recorded transmissions from Mother Malia to hold you in divine perfection as you move through your week, blessing your honey pots

  • LIVE monthly calls on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 4.30pm ET, for you to bring forward your questions to Mother Malia so that there are no questions, only answers

  • Private & sacred Member Portal with all your transmission and monthly call recordings for accessing as often as you like

  • A sacred private Facebook group to engage with each other within this hive

And isn’t it wonderful that these sacred blessings will be shared with you in the divine perfection of a monthly membership for ONLY $111USD per month. It would be my absolute delight and honor to share this sacred space with you. Please become a cherished member of the Hive by clicking below!

Check Out What Clients Are Saying

"She has assisted me in recovering my sacred gifts and talents to create a life worth living and sharing!"

- Baljit Rayat -

“It is the greatest blessing to find a teacher who has THE most enlightened answer to every question you ever asked, always addressing the very core of the issue at hand. Therefore, I will forever honour the energy, knowledge, and blessings of one of the most amazing teachers walking amongst us today."

- Milada Sakic -

"Since working with her, I have had my most significant personal and business growth which enabled me to uplevel beyond what I originally thought was possible!"

- Louisa Havers -

About Your Next Spiritual Mentor

Jennifer is an award winning CEO, 11 time best selling author and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.

She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.

When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.

This sacred membership will support you to BEE fully anchored into the sacred buzz that’s created for you so that your honey pots may overflow with liquid gold.

Infinite blessings,

Mother Malia