If you found your way here, you are a light leader, messenger, or new ascension guide who is ready to turn your business into liquid gold - now!

You are ready to claim the bounty that awaits you simply for using your sacred gifts to bless others and help people thrive.

A business that is easy, light, and aligned with the new business codes that are now arriving on the planet to support our collective ascension.

Gone are the days of old, misaligned business tactics like:

  • False deadlines for people to sign up or the fake clock on webinars
    “Sign up for me free xxx before I make it paid!”

  • Creating freebie after freebie trying to inspire people to buy only to end up building an email list of freebie collectors who never rise with you

  • Burning out from creating endless content for your socials that gets lots of likes (hopefully) but little to no sales

  • Being told to be relatable so people will buy from you after 85 posts, only to discover that you’ve friend-zoned yourself, preventing people from buying

  • And the list goes on!

Right now, you are not entirely clear on the exact blueprint to follow so that you can easily create consistent 5 figure months, and you don’t need to.  That is where I come in ;)

In Your 90 Day Liquid Gold Accelerator, we are going to move you from:

  • Not knowing how to affordably and effectively market your offers to knowing exactly where to spend your valuable time to get the quickest and highest conversions - always.

  • Not knowing how to create, price and fill  your offers to knowing exactly how to package them so that dream clients jump in on demand

  • Being unclear about your unique selling style so that sales feel fun, easy and aligned to being crystal clear about what works for you so that your offers always fill, often from just one piece of content or conversation

  • Feeling like you are having to convince people to join your offers to holding your leadership in every interaction so that you become the obvious choice for them such that they ask how quickly they can jump in and pay you

  • Worrying about what to post on social media so that you don’t ruffle feathers to knowing precisely what to say so that your posts call forward heavenly clients on demand as the norm vs. the exception

  • Not knowing how to get booked on summits, podcasts and stages to knowing exactly what to say in your pitches to get booked quickly and easily

There is a reason that the old ways of business aren’t working!

As we lean deeper into this collective ascension we’re experiencing, the way that we do money and business must ascend as well.

If the thought of building your business the new way feels good for you, then I’d love to invite you to join us in accessing the
new business codes and ascended client attractions ecosystems
so that consistent 5-figure (even 6-figure) months are your new normal.

Where premium sales are the norm, not the exception.

Where you are held by an 8 figure mentor and light leader with over 20 years of experience to help you create all of this with ease, elegance, and incredible income, without working harder or following the herd.

We’ll set you apart so that you command clients’ attention versus competing for it!

This is a one-of-a-kind accelerator that is 100% results focussed and I’m offering done-with-you support to ensure that consistent 5 figure months success become your new financial reality.

I’m peeling back the curtains of my timeless new business client attraction strategy & ecosystem, including templates, transmissions, and live group hotseats so that you have everything you need to create this with ease at the speed of light…

I’ve enjoyed a waiting list of amazing, ready-to-invest clients for over 20+years.

Like you, I’ve navigated the online world that is filled with endless client attraction trends that bubble before they even get started, and I can tell you that trends and tactics will only get you so far.

There is a simple, elegant, timeless method to attracting ideal clients that sets you up for

long-term success, the same one that has allowed me to create an 8 figure training/coaching school!

Yes, there is strategy, and yes certain trends can add value, but…..

With a solid client attraction formula of energetics + strategy + blueprint + easy implementation…..

You’ll finally be able to get off the perpetual (& exhausting) client attraction hamster wheel so that you can focus on serving, creating, & expanding your company so that you can serve even more people!

You’ll receive high-level mentorship & strategic support on how to
easily attract ready-to-invest clients into your $5K to $50K offers
without working harder or feeling like an underpaid full-time marketer.

You’ll have an abundance of time & energy to get to those yummy thought leader projects that you weren’t able to before (like creating your podcast, writing your book, creating your own TV show, hosting your summit, creating your product line, and so much more)!

In this done-with-you, high-vibe, results-focused mastermind, we’re going to create:

  • A client attraction & retention ecosystem rooted in simple elegance so that way more time can be spent serving vs. marketing (creating flow without funnels)

  • High ticket offers (with done-with-you conversion copy & marketing strategy that magnetizes way more sales)

  • Fun, profitable cash injections to see what is possible (and for those months that are a wee bit slower than others)

  • A predictable flow of monthly sales so that energy is spent on “what’s next?” vs. “where are sales coming from this month?” (the client attraction hamster wheel is exhausting)

  • Profitable expert positioning so that you are seen as the best option in your industry (I’m going to show you how to create your own boardroom and get an endless stream of invites to other tables too so that your milkshake brings all the A-listers to your yard) ;)

  • Lucrative certification programs that serve as an evergreen asset in your company (the whole A-Z system)

  • Strategic partnerships that exponentialize client attraction (includes templates)

  • The ultimate freebie for efficient lead generation & instant sales

  • How to lead in-person retreats and VIP days with ease

  • A solid, done-with-you social media strategy solely designed to increase sales

In other words, we've got you!

You don't have to figure any of this out, We'll be by your side the whole time giving you on-the-spot feedback, guidance, copy revisions, and more!!!

I’ve helped tons of amazing 5D leaders, like you, make incredible business leaps,

and attract ready-to-invest clients with ease.

Here are a few incredible leaders who have worked with me

to attract more clients with ease...

“I started hitting consistent $100K months only a few months after stepping into her powerful container. In less than a year, my business grew by over 230% effortlessly - something I never thought I would say!"

Christina The Channel

“Working with Jennifer allowed me to grow and stretch at a rate I could never have imagined and increase my business revenues by 300% in a year!”

Jamie Hearn

"I started working with Jennifer and decided to quit my job, within 6 months I was already hitting consistent 50K months!”

Alyse Bacine

Here are a few incredible leaders who have worked with me to attract more clients with ease...

“Working with Jennifer increased my business revenues by 300% in a year”

Jamie Hearn

I started hitting consistent $100K months only a few months after stepping into her powerful container.

Christina The Channel

"When I started working with Jennifer, my business was already generating consistent 5+ figure months. After stepping into the 7 Figure Collective Mastermind, I was able to collapse time and make in 6 months what it took 12 months to create the year prior!

Andrea Donnelly

I left my underpaying public service job and the security that came with it...In six-months was making consistent 5-figure months and on track to six-figure months.

Alyse Bacine

Here’s what will happen in LIQUID GOLD during our 90 days together:

  • 1hr hotseats every Wednesday from 11am to 12pm ET with either Mother Malia, Alexis (head coach), or both to accelerate your business results towards consistent 5 figure months ($50, 000 value)

  • Over 30 hours+ of results-focused, high level business training on client attraction, selling out your programs, hosting successful launches and so much more ($20,000 Value)

  • Client attraction & other high value business templates that you can plug and play ($5000 value)

  • Done-with-you copy (scripts, sales pages, bios, one-sheets, pitches and more) to ensure your success ($20,000 Value)

  • Private forum for e-coaching, copy review, celebrations & support to ensure your success ($10,000 Value)

  • New money and business codes from Mother Malia, along with regular business transmissions that instantly elevate your money, your business, and your energy field ($10,000 Value)

  • New earth strategies to master the money receiving sequence so that your pots of gold are always overflowing ($10,000 Value)

Plus, Generous BONUSES valued at over $33,000, including:

  • Over 20 hours+ of bonus training for mindset, leverage and more ($10,000 Value)

  • Over 40 hours+ of money activations that are pure gold ($10,000 Value)

  • Surprise money and business training webinars, including my entire profitable challenge blueprint with templates ($10,000 Value)

Total Value Including bonuses: $158,000

Plus additional 90 day membership – your generous FREE bonus!

($22,000 Value)

Regular Investment: $22,222

Your VIP/Early Bird investment:
ONLY $11,111 USD or a generous payment plan 6 x $1999 USD

"I was so impressed by Jennifer’s sacred healing system around healing money issues and just 72 hours after experiencing her work, I attracted $27,000 in new business, moved to an amazing condo that should have cost so much more, experienced more flow in all areas of my life and have an even more wonderful relationship with money. I would highly recommend Jennifer’s work; it is truly incredible!"

Joanna Garzilli

"Jennifer has been my go to mentor for years because my income exponentializes year after year. She's helped me to feel confident to raise my rates to match my authority so that dream clients jump in on demand whenever I put out a new offer."

Robyn McKay

"I started working with Jennifer when my business was already very successful and profitable. I wanted to mentor with her to keep expanding the company’s income & impact. After the inner & outer shifts we worked on, I was able to collapse time and make in 8 months what it took 12 months to make the previous year.

Jennifer Peek


Will this help if I don’t have a business but want to get started?

While I’d love to say yes, this program is going to be way more useful for you once you have some traction in building an engaged email list & social media community.  That said, if you are a go-getter and coachable, let’s chat!

Will I be coached by Jennifer/Mother Malia?


How many people will be in this mastermind?

No more than 20 amazing souls so that we can guarantee high level attention in the spirit of you thriving & getting the results I promised you!

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by joining us.

NOTE: If you are already enjoying consistent 5 figure months and you are ready to scale your business to 7 figures, this is a better fit for you:

More About Your Next Mentor...

Jennifer is an award winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11 time best selling author and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.

She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now. She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.

When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.